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Shred Soles Skateboarding Insoles

Shred Soles Skateboarding Insole

Over the course of the past year we set out to design the most comfortable skateboarding insole. We wanted to make sure that we created an insole that increased impact resistance - without reducing board feel (as is the case with other skateboarding insoles on the market). 

We tested all types of materials and prototypes - which also meant that we got to skateboard a lot! We tried everything from carbon fiber to rubber and lots of materials that I can not pronounce of even begin to spell.

After skateboarding a ton and on a variety of materials - we combined the best feeling parts and pieces into the ultimate skateboarding insole.

Everyone that's tried the new insole notices increased stability right off the bat.

One skater said that they haven't rolled their ankle since they started skating the insoles.

Another mentioned that he landed primo and it didn't even hurt! 

We'll be releasing a limited number of insoles for presale on January 14th for the discounted price of $29.99 (Retail price is $39.99). 

If you want to be notified when this deal goes live sign up below: 


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